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Shoot Many Robots Review

Senin, 23 Juli 2012 | 0 komentar

That's it for the storyline. From there, the gameplay is all about shooting many thousands of robots. The RV serves as a command base where you trick yourself out with various weapons and other gear in the bathroom before hitting up a map by the steering wheel to select a destination. Standard platform carnage ensues. You tromp, stomp, jump, slide, and brawl across well over a dozen levels in the campaign, either solo or with up to three buddies in co-op. Combat plays out from left to right, with you blasting everything that moves with two weapons: a shooter with infinite ammo and a cannon with limited shells. Kills result in leveling up. Dead bots explode into nuts that you collect to buy new weapons and armor. If you kill fast enough, you trigger combos that multiply nut numbers up to five times. Bottles of beer (juice in the oddly alcohol-free PlayStation version of the game, which seems otherwise identical to the Xbox 360 one) are chugged to earn health. Movement is handled with the left stick, while everything else is done with the face and trigger buttons.

The action itself doesn't vary much, although there is a blend of all-out speedy insanity and more measured shooting. There are just a few robot types in the game, but they feature enough differences among them to keep things interesting. You have to contend with masses of rushing grunt troops that look like robot scorpions with chainsaws in place of stingers, krush-kill-destroy humanoid bots, charging automatons with armored fronts that demand rear assaults, and a range of gun turrets. Sometimes, you need to hit them hard with concentrated fire; sometimes, you need to sit back and deflect larger turret bullets back at targets with flicks of your wrist; and sometimes, you need to jump all over the place to avoid attacks. Levels come in Standard mode, where you fight to the end and then kill a boss to move on, as well as a Survival mode, where you try to outlast a wave of robots. There is some repetition here, though. Level art is regurgitated a fair bit, as are boss fights like a foundry battle that you go through over and over again, with the only difference being the steady escalation of having to kill more robots.
It may be mindless and repetitive, but it's still easy to get drawn into Shoot Many Robots. The one-trick gameplay has enough humor and weapon variety to make it a good buy if you're looking to shut your brain down for a while.
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